Diary of a Grand Dame - Page 4
Eureka Mills Stoneground Flour – An Ethical Food Overberg Story
At Schoone Oordt Country House, we are passionate about ethical food and especially ethical food that we are able to source in the Overberg. We are passionate about the food that we make, but also the ingredients that we use to make that food. With harvest time in the beautiful Overberg coming to an end we thought we’d share the passion we have for our stone ground flour supplier, Eureka Mills. Yes, Eureka Mills is as passionate about their ethical food as we are and what a wonderfully long way they’ve come to the success that they are today.
Why we love Country Weddings in Swellendam
We love country weddings, especially ones in Swellendam. Country weddings are like small private festivals. Families and friends come from far and wide to spend, not just a few hours, but a whole weekend celebrating beauty, togetherness and the future. Making for a wonderful sense of community and reunion as loved ones create a warm circle of happiness around the bride and groom.
The Hidden Letters in Swellendam South Africa
This is a very special romantic story and one I’m so happy to share.
Lizelle & Kevin’s Country Wedding… in the rain, in Swellendam
This post is going to look the prettiest yet! Firstly, because our Bruce ‘Flyinghorse’ Geils takes the most spectacular pictures, but also because I’ve finally worked out how to get the pictures the same size within this new ‘blog’ thing. Slowly, but surely, we get the hang of this… I always seem to start an entry with an apology. I seem to do the same with our newsletters! Honestly though, time runs away far too fast and there is so much to say and so many lovely guests to take care of, so once again, apologies for the delay in telling you all about this very special rainy October country wedding…
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